Your Comprehensive Guide to Clout Nails for Roofing Felt

Last Updated on: 2nd June 2023, 03:16 am

Last Updated on by Viliam

Hey there, dears! So you’re pondering the merits of clout nails for roofing felt, right? Well, you’ve found your way to a friendly little corner of the itnernet where we’re all about simplifying complicated things .

Why are we talking about clout nails, you ask ? Well, they might be little, but these babies can make a huge difference to your roofing project. Navigating the sea of options can feel like learning new language. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We’ll dig into the nuts and bolts of clout nails, compare them and give you some pro tips. Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?

What Are Clout Nails and Why Are They Special ?

I bet you’re thinking, “Viliam, what makes these clout nails so unique?” Well, ladies and gentlemen, let’s start at beginning . Clout nails are a certein type of rooifng nail with large, flat head and short shank. They’re perfect for securing porous and soft materials like roofing felt.

Why are they special? These nails have that overlarge head which provides wider surface area , making them less likely to pull through soft materials. There are pros and cons, of course. The benefit is, well, no unwanted holes in your dear roof. But the dowsnide is, these nails might not be the best fit for tough or brittle materials.

Varieties of Clout Nails for Roofing Felt – The Crucial Choices

Moving on, “What are the various types of clout nails I can choose from ?” Ah, great question, ladies and gentlemen! First, we have smooth shank clout nails. These are easy to drive in and remove, but they don’t hold as well as some of their counterparts.

Then, there are shingle nails, also known as clout roofing nails . These nails are prefect for, you guessed it, shingles! They have a wider head and a short, thick shank, which provides better wait shingle roofs.

Let’s not forget the concrete nails. These hard cookies can drive into concrete and similar hard materials. They’re made from tough , high-carbon steel and regularly have diamond point. The upside? They can punch through some seriously hard stuff. The downside? They might be overkill for softer materials like rooifng felt.

Why the Shank Matters – The Smooth Talk about Smooth Shanks

Now, “Why should I care about shank ?” Well, let me tell you, the shank is the unsung hero of nail. It’s part that holds your dear roof in place! The smooth shank of a clout nail makes its easy to hammer in. But it might not provide the strnogest hold. Especially in high wind conditions.

On the other hand, a ring or spiral shank clout nail provides a much stronger grip. It’s like difference between wearing socks on hardwodo floor (smooth shank) versus wearing hiking boots on a rocky trail (ring or spiral shank). However, they’re harder to remove if you make a mistake or need to replace shingle.

Here’s a comparison table between Smooth Shank and Ring/Spiral Shank Clout Nails:

PropertySmooth Shank Clout NailsRing/Spiral Shank Clout Nails
Holding PowerLower holding power due to smooth surfaceHigher holding power due to increased surface friction from the ringed ors spiral design
UseGeneral use, suitable for interior finishing where holding power is not crucialIdeal for applications requiring high holding power like roofing, siding, or decking
Ease of InsertionEasier to drive into most materials due to smooth surfaceMay require more effort to drive into certain materials due to increased friction
RemovalEasier to remove due to less surfcae frictionMore difficult to remove due to increased surface friction
CostGenerally less expensiveGenerally more expensive due to the additional manufacturing steps
Damage to MaterialLess likely to split the material during insertion due to smooth shankMay cause spiltting in some materials due to the greater force needed for insertion
Susceptibility to WeatheringMay potentially withdraw over time due to waethering or when used in flexible materialsBetter at resisting withdrawal due to weathering or when used in flexible materials due to the increased surface friction

Getting into the Heads – The Importance of Overlarge Heads

“So, what’s the big deal about overlarge heads ?” I’m glad you asked! The overlarge head of clout nail, compared to other types of nails, creates wider area of contact with th material. That means it’s less likely to tear through soft or porous mtaerials like roofing felt.

This wider area also helps to spread force of the wind or any weight on roof over a larger area, reducing likelihood of damage . It’s kind of like the difference between lying on a bed of nails versus stepping on single nail. But remember, if the materail is too hard or brittle, the large head could lead to damage.

Steel or Not to Steel – The Comparison of Carbon and Stainless Steel Clout Nails

Now, “Should I choose carbon or stainless steel clout nails ?” Another brilliant question! Both carbon steel and staniless steel clout nails have their pros and cons. Carbon steel nails are stronger and can be used with harder materials. However, they are more prone to corrosion.

On the flip side, stainless steel clout nails have great corrosion resistance. That means they’re more likely to survive those tough weather conditions withotu rusting. But teyh might not be as robust as carbon steel nails. Especially for harder materials.

Here is a simple comparison table between carbon steel and stainless steel clout nails:

PropertyCarbon Steel Clout NailsStainless Steel Clout Nails
Material CompositionIron and Carbon, with other elements in smaller amountsIron, Chromium, Nickel, and other elements
Corrosion ResistanceLess resistant to corrosion, they can rust when exposed to moisture.Very resistant to corrosion, especially in outdoor or moist environments
StrengthTypically stronger and harderTypically less strong and hard than carbon steel, but still very durable
DurabilityDurable, but may degrade faster in moist or corrosive environmentsHighly durable and lasts longer in moist or corrosive environments
CostGenerally less expensiveGenerally more expensive due to higher resistance to corrosion
MagneticYesGenerally, Yes. But some grades can be non-magnetic
ApplicationIndoor use, dry environmentsIndoor and outdoor use, especially suited for environments with moisture or chemicals
MaintenanceRegular maintenance needed to prevent rustLow maintenance due to corrosion resistance

It’s essential to choose the right type of nail depending on your specific needs and the conditions where the nail will be used.

A Few More Nuggets about Lengths, Leaks, and Anti-Weather Resistance

Whew, we’ve covered a lot of ground! But let’s not forget few more details . “What about nail lengths, potential leaks, plus weatehr resistance?” Absolutely, dear reader, let’s chat about those!

Firstly, clout nails come in range of lengths . The rule of thumb? Choose a nail that’s three times as long as the thickness of your beloved roofing material. This ensures maxiumm penetration without risk of damaging the underlying material.

Secondly, while clout nails are a fantastic choice for soft, porous materials, they can potentially cause leaks if not installde correctly. Make sure you’re hammering them straight down, not at an angle.

And thirdly, both carbon and stainless steel clout nails have good weather resistance, but remmeber that carbon steel is more prone to corrosion . If you’re in a particularly harsh climate, stainless might be the best bet.

The Ugly Truth – The Potential Issues with Clout Nails and How to Mtiigate Them

Now, just to keep things real, let’s touch on couple of potential issues. Clout nails are not wtihout their challenges, after all. For instance, due to their large heads, clout nails can sometimes cause damage if hammered into hard or brittle materials. They also might not provide the strongest grip if used with very heavy roofing materials.

So , what’s the solution? Well, it’s all about choosing the right nail for the job and installign them correctly. If you’re using heavy roofing material, you might want to consider nail with a longer shank for added grip. Plus, always remember to hammer straight down to avoid causing leaks.

Felt and Insulation: Do Clout Nails Get Along With All Types ?

“But Viliam, what about insulation? Do clout nails get along with all types?” Excellent point! Clout nails work well with most common insulatoin materials, including insulation boards . However, if the insulation is very thick or heavy, you might need to consider using longer nail or even a screw.

When Clout Nails Become Concrete Nails – The Final Verdict

In the end, “Are clout nails really the same as concrete nails ?” Well, not quite. While they’re both made from high-carbon steel and can handle some pretty hard materials, concreet nails are designed specifically for masonry and other tough materials.

Clout nails, on th other hand, are perfect for softer, porous materials. So while a clout nail could potetnially be used as concrete nail in a pinch, it might not give you the best results.

And there you have it, folks! We’ve journeyed together through the world of clout nails for roofing felt . From the benefits of overlarge heads and importance of shank type to the debate between carbon and stainless steel, we’ve covered all ins and outs.

So , what’s takeaway? Clout nails can be fantastic choice for your roofing felt project, as long as you choose right type for your specfiic needs and install them correctly. Well and, as always, if you’re ever in doubt, don’t hesitate to seek out expert advice. Until next time, dears!

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