Are Flat Roofs Really Flat? – Unraveling the Myth

flat roof not flat

Well, dears, established definitions are sometimes misleading and no flat roof is truly 100% flat. It can´t be, right ? So, if you’re having trouble understanding the concept of ‘flat’ roofs and why they’re not actually as flat as they seem, you’re in the right place! This new post will shed light on this interesting … Read more

Can you install metal roof over asphalt? Can you walk on metal roof? Metal roofing FAQs.

galvalume roofing

Many homes, especially those in wet climates, are starting to sport metal roofs these days. Why? Because metal roofing is durable and long-lasting, and it is an excellent choice for homeowners seeking a resilient roof that will not sag or leak. Plus, metal roofs come in a variety of styles that fit almost any architectural … Read more

How long can roofing felt stay exposed? Can it get wet?

roofing felt exposed

Remember when you were young and waited for your significant other in the rain, umbrella in hand, as droplets pitter-pattered on rooftop? Now think about your roof, the poor thing, standing guard against elements without an umbrella! How does it do it, you might ask . The secret lies in the roofing underlayment, more commonly … Read more

Stone Lintels

stone lintels

Hey there, everyone! Can you recall a time when you walked past house and wondered about those fancy stones sitting above its windows and doors ? They’re called stone lintels, and you’d be surprised how much they can spruce up the place! But what’s the whole story about them? That’s where the old pal Viliam … Read more

Insurance adjuster says NO HAIL dAMAGE?

insurance claim denied

A hailstorm blew through your neighborhood last night. You’re pretty sure your house has taken a hit , maybe even a serious one. The morning after, you walk outside, coffee in hand, and there it is. Roof damage. The gutters are dented, there are broken shingles scattered around, and you can hear a dsiconcerting sound … Read more