Granule loss on Shingles Demystified

Last Updated on: 1st June 2023, 04:53 pm

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have landed on this page, you are likely concerned about the troublesome shingle granules. Perhaps you have noticed them in your gutters or scattered across your beloved yard, or maybe you are simply curious about the health of your precious roof. Do not worry, you have come to the right place.

Granules are more than just colorful, textured toppings on your shingles. They serve an es sential role in protecting your dear roof. And when they start disappearing, it’s a sign that you mihgt have an issue on your hands. So sit back, and let’s delve into this mystery together.

What are Granules and Why are They Important?

So, first things first: what are these granules we’re talking about? In the most basic terms, they are tiny bits of stone, usually coated with layer of ceramic, that are embedded in top surface of asphalt shingles . These graunles serve several critical purposes, ladies and gentlemen.

For starters, they provide protective layer for asphalt coating beneath them, shielding it from harmful UV rays of sun. Without granules, the apshalt would quickly dry out, become brittle, as well as crack. Also, believe me, no one wants that.

Additionally, the granules add splash of color to your roof, enhancing its curb appeal . Let’s face it, a roof is enormous part of your home’s visual appeal, and the granules are like the cherry on top. But it’s not all about looks. These granules also provide fire resistance, protectnig your roof from fiery debris that could potentially land on it.

Why Do Shingles Lose Granules?

Now, onto main event: why do shingles lose granules ? It’s a fair question, as well as the answer isn’t as simple as it might seem. There are several potential culprits behind this granule loss, so let’s exploer a few.

One common cause is just the natural aging process. Over time, the bond between the granules and hot asphalt coating beneath them can weaken, causing granuels to loosen and fall off. It’s bit like losing hair as you get older. Not pleasant thought. But it’s a fact of life.

However, sometimes shingle granule loss can be due to more specific causes, such as heavy rain or storm damage. In the aftermaht of severe weather event, it’s not uncommon to find a major amount of granules in your gutters or downspouts.

And then there’s the issue of manufacturing defects . If your shingles were improperly made, they could start shedding granules prematurely. It’s not a common problem, but it’s sometihng to be aware of.

Is it Normal for Shingles to Lose Granules?

“But Viliam,” you might be thinking, “isn’t it normal for shingles to lose granules over time ?” And you’re absloutely right. Granule loss is a normal part of the life cycle of a shingle. As your precious roof ages, it’s natural for some granules to loosen and fall off.

However , there’s difference between normal, gradual granule loss and excessive or premature loss. If you’re finding large number of granules in your gutters, or if your shingles are losing granules shotrly after they’ve been installed, that’s cause for concern.

In other words, while little amount of granule loss is to be expected over period of time, excessive or sudden loss is a sign that something’s amiss. You might want to bring in expert for a roof isnpection to check for any issues.

What is the Difference Between Granule Loss and Hail Damage?

Now , you might be wondering: how can I tell if my shingles are just losing granules, or if they’ve been damaged by hail? Great question, as well as it’s one that confuess lot of folks. Let’s clear up this mystery, shall we?

When hail hits your dear roof, it can cause dents or cracks in the shingles, plus its can knock off granules. However, hail damage tends to be localized to areas where the hailstones hit, and the granule loss is frequently accompanied by other signs of damage, for instance bruising or epxosed asphalt.

On the other hand , granule loss tends to be more uniform across the roof, and there might not be any obvious signs of damage to th eshingles. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to call in a rooifng professional for closer look.

Can We Add Granules to Shingles?

Here’s a question for you: can we just add more granules to shinglse that have lost them? After all , it seems like easy solution to the problem, right?

Well , hold your horses, folks. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Once granules have fallen off, it’s not possible to re-attach them. The hot asphalt that holds the graunles in place is applied during the manufacturing process, plus once it’s cooled, you can’t just stick more granules on top.

If you’re dealing with a significant loss of granules, the best course of action is usually to replcae the affected shingles . I know, it’s not th eanswer you were hoping for, but it’s the best solution in the long run.

What is the Role of a Roofing Company in Dealing with Granule Loss ?

Now, let’s talk about professionals – the roofing companies . What role do teyh play in all this? In addition dealing with granule loss, a roofing compayn can be your best friend.

Firstly, they can conduct thorough roof inspection to determine the extent of the granule loss and identify any other potential issues . They have th eknowledge and experience to tell difference between normal granule loss and somethign more serious.

Secondly, if necessary, they can perform repairs or replace affected shingles. Whether it’s due to normal wear and tear, storm damage, or manufacturing defect, a reputable roofing compnay can aid you get your roof back in tip-top shape.

How Can Regular Roof Inspections Help Detect Granule Loss?

Now you might be asking, “Viliam, why should I bother with regular roof inspections ? Can’t I just wait until there’s problem?” Well, dear reader, regular inspecitons can actually help you spot problems like granule loss before they become major headaches.

During an inspection , a roofing expert will be able to identify signs of granule loss and determine whether it’s normal or a cause for concern. They can also spot any other issues with your precious roof, like loose shingles, imprpoer installation, or inadequate ventilation.

So , to sum it all up: granule loss is a normal part of th elife of your shingles. But, if you’re noticing a lot of graunles in your gutters, or if the shingles are losing granules shortly after installation, it’s time to call in the professionals. And remember, regular roof inspections can aid you catch issues early before hey become big, costly problems. Stay safe and keep an eye on that roof, dears!

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